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How You Can Burn Calories Fast

For anyone who wants to burn calories fast in a fun way, listed below are 5 useful tips for you to take advantage of:

To most people, burning calories sounds only possible if they spend hours in the gym working hard. Yet there are also a lot of nicer ways that you can burn calories quickly. Do you want to get a little tighter in your skin before you go on holiday this holiday? Then you need to pay attention! With these simple and fun ways, you can do it in no time!

You can burn calories quickly in these fun ways

1. Shopping

Yes, you read that right: shopping is good for your line. And no, we don't mean ordering things online from your chair and having them delivered to your home, but really strolling from store to store with a couple of heavy-duty bags. According to research, you already burn around 5 calories per minute when you are shopping intensively, which means around 300 calories per hour! So, are you planning to have a nice day of shopping this coming weekend?

2. Cooking and baking

This tip is only for women who have great self-control... Consider before you cook or bake something if this is a healthy choice for you to eat. With all the stirring, baking, roasting, kneading and mixing that you perform for your baking or meal, you will soon burn around 130 to 150 calories per hour.

3. Dancing

An evening out is good when you are on the dance floor all night! Of course you do not have to drink plenty of beer all night, but fortunately, there are a number of 'healthier alternatives' with alcoholic drinks that are low in calories.

4. A good cleaning session

Okay, not the nicest way, but with a big cleaning session, you can easily burn 200 to 300 calories per hour! And the plus point is: when you're done, your house is nice, tidy and clean. So plan a day off to give your house a good clean, and of course, you don't have to go to the gym that evening anymore.

5. DIY jobs

Do you hesitate to give that wall of your home a complete makeover? With an hour of cleaning, you can burn around 350 calories. If you are going to paint the wall afterward, then you can even burn twice as much! With DIY jobs like these, you can easily burn calories fast.

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